#Fallout 3 goty edition patch mod
enhanced gameplay with lots of enhanced/reworked/HD converted FX like weather (colors, rain, snow, storm, radio-active or not, sunglares, sun rays, clouds.) new animations, new models, improved characters, iron sights, new creatures, new sounds, new radios, new music, new AI behaviours for NPCs, Depth of fields reworked (the imaginator mod used to add far DOF and near DOF through ENB), PERSONALIZED ENB + SWEETFX PRESET to built up new ambience and atmosphere, new blood splatters, new weapons FXs, new lights, new ligtning engine mixing ENB and Real Interior Lights Mod + Interior Lights.
#Fallout 3 goty edition patch mods
Did the same with sky clouds/ sunglares/sun coronna/moon/FXs by mixing Project reality/DC Moods2.1/Enhanced weather rain and snow/dynamic weather/ENB realism textures so that you get only the best of every mods used here lots have been mixed up (rocks for example, i have mixed textures, diffuse maps and meshes from different mods) and result looks good even if you are standing on the rocks or being far away, high res, clean surface. Almost all clutters/ Furnitures/Chems/Weapons/landscape/sky/moon/NPCs/armors/boose/terrain/rocks/roads/railways/and others Items have been covered with Higher/better resolutions textures and better meshes.

enhanced Graphics to max playable by adding/replacing/mixing from different Mods, lots of vanilla textures/meshes/diffuse maps to reach real visible unique changes towards Beauty but without too much performance hit on your PC. This repack is a complete overaul for Fallout 3.